AFI Portfolio Real Estate

New Towers!

Tishman Speyer has officially filed for their building permits to construct two towers rising 37 and 42 stories, and two 8-story plaza buildings, with a total of 669 new residential units over underground parking and street level retail on the 201 Folsom Street site (across from the Infinity Towers).

The 42-story tower with 285 units will be tagged 301 Beale, the 37-story tower with 245 units will be 338 Main, and the two 8-story plaza buildings with 59 and 80 units will be 318 Main and 333 Beale respectively.

The two plaza buildings will be topped with outdoor areas for residents on the northeast (Folsom and Main) and southwest corners of the site while the two towers will rise on the northwest (Folsom and Beale) and southeast corners with pathways and green areas between.