AFI Portfolio Real Estate

Time to buy? Three reasons we think yes.

painted-ladiesAt Afi + Associates, we believe that real estate is always a good long-term opportunity, and that’s why we’re encouraging our investors to take a second look at the market in San Francisco this holiday season.  Here’s a few resons why buying now might be the best decision you’ll ever make.

1. High-end properties in the City of San Francisco have faired considerably better than the market as a whole.  As The San Francisco Real Estate Blog points out, while Bay Area-wide prices have taken a real beating, the drop in value in the city proper has not been as bad.  This may serve as a lesson for the prudent investor – the City by the Bay is, and will always be, attractive as a place to live, work, and invest.

2. Mortgage rates are at historic lows.  Investors will good credit histories should have no trouble finding a great fixed-rate mortgage for a first home, or refinancing an existing purchase.

3. Is one man’s loss another’s gain?  As you probably already know, prices are near rock bottom these days, which means they’re a great way to comply with that age-old adage: buy low, sell high.