AFI Portfolio Real Estate

Upcoming art show – Night/Light

Afi + Associates and Root Division are teaming up for an evening of artwork, music, and light refreshments in South Beach, SF. The Night/Light exhibition features paintings, drawings, photography, and video art by 12 Root Division Resident Artists and Affiliates. The work in the exhibition ties together these various artists’ approaches to the themes of light, night skies, astronomy, and illumination. As we come out of the darker part of the calendar year, the artwork explores both the peaceful and invigorating aspects surrounding Bay Area nightfall. Enjoy music and tasty nibbles while immersing yourself in the creations of our artists. 

The opening reception will be Wednesday, February 25, 6:00 – 8:30 pm.  The art will be on display at the Afi + Associates office from February 25 – March 25.

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